Tuesday, March 17, 2015

So, what's been happening at The City Folk Club recently?

First ... an apology.
Dogsbody has been just a little poorly, whereby he was unable to attend of 27th February and 6th March.

Then ... particular gratitude to Angela and Paul and everyone who turned up, mucked in and contributed to what are reported to have been two successful evenings.

It is rumoured that a heavily pregnant guinea-pig attended on 6th inst., but failed to perform ...

13th March:
With renewed vigour, energy and enthusiasm, Dogsbody occupied the seat of benign authority.

Let's start with a good hanging, he sang ...

The mood lightened somewhat when Ken gave account of a rustic activity ...

Mave contributed to the avian-noise theme ...

Cheep, cheep, cheep, she sang.
... and I was one of the worms!

Then ... oh dear ... we were obliged to cover our ears for this offering ...

Well, it was Red-Nose Day, after all.

Notwithstanding the above nonesense, there was considerable quality.
Sylvia sang to this charming melody ...

To Dogsbody's delight there was a very long train ...

Somebody mentioned, "Open G-strings and suspenders."
We think that possibly relates to obscure guitar tuning, but otherwise the relevance is unclear, (and images are unsavory!)

We finished on two chords, D and C, while Angela donned her dancing shoes for Old Jo Clark ...

Here's a gift that Angela fabricated from paper plates and donated to the Brownies ...

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