Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Virtual #40

Ken's latest composition ...

The Nephew and The Lady.
"The story of the lost lady found, but what really happened. Didn't it?"


Berry said...

Even before I view this I can sense the bar of quality performance being raised to unseen heights. Then I hear that sonorous voice singing with feeling an inspired lyric which is only superseded by the delectably clear strains of a wonderfully recorded and played guitar. The icing is surely the photo. Did we ever before see such wonder?
This means I will not make another offering for well over a day. I am well and truly done in. One can only guess at how and by whom it was achieved.
P.S Wots it abart? May we know who this is?

Colin said...

Worry not, Berry.
This virtual embarkation is not intended to be competitive.
Heaven forbid, if it were!

Blogbuster said...

Catching-up on the blog, somewhat late. I've been busy. To answer Mr. Rasp Berry: Q:have we ever before seen such wonder? A: Indubitably, and even much more so. Q:Wots it abart? A: A lost lady found (hint: the clue is in the lyrics). Q:may we know who this is? A: Your q. not specific- to whom are you referring? We are not told the lady's name, otherwise everyone would be texting/tweeting her. Nor are we told the names of the other protagonists, for fear of being sued. Assuring you of the best of intention at all times, K.D.A. Hobbs

Blogbuster said...

Just to add, that, due to popular demand (or, rather, lack of it), I haven't posted any more of this stuff, although (as some will know) I have at least 20 more fresh this year, some of which have been commented-on most kindly and without the kind of heavy-handed irony employed by Mr. Whortle Berry.