On this day, in the year of our Lord, MXIV, Cnut the Great, (so-called,) with his Danish forces defeated the English army of King Edmund II at the battle of Assandun.
(Nobody is quite sure where Assandun is - or was.)
We all know what happened next …
I think it's time we moved, my Lord. |
Meanwhile, back in the Guide Hall in 2013 ...
Look out, look out ... there are balloons about! |
Angela, fortified and uplifted by her customary beverage led us in another evening of music and fun.
6 guitars, 1 fiddle, a ukulele and a bodhran comprised our instruments.
Molly demonstrated the air-accordion. |
This collaboration is becoming a bit of a habit.
Such activity should be 'banned'! |
Paul sang about a hydro-atmospheric phenomenon ...
Note the anvil head of this cumulonimbus cloud. It is caused by temperature inversion near the tropopause. |
Mike used the verb 'discombobulate' again.
Dogsbody learned how to spell it ... and remained utterly confused!
"Nay, nay!" said little Nell to Mosel.
"I'll stick to bread and dripping!" |
Connor dreamed of Donegal hills ...
Mount Errigal, Co. Donegal. |
We all went home, warmed by camaraderie ...
in hopes for the morrow ...
Like a breath I knew would come ... |
The City Folk Club will not be meeting on ...
Friday, 8th November.
This is because the Guides have prior call on the venue.
Be assured, however, that our tenure of the hall on all other Friday evenings is secure until the end of the year.