Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Being Friday the 7th of August, 2015 ...

So, where has Dogsbody been for the past fortnight?

Fortunately, his absence had not deterred attendance for the last two weeks in July.
Very many thanks to Angela, Berry, Paul and others who managed to generate sufficient funds to pay the rent.
Hard copy of song lists for 24/07 and 31/07 are in hand.

What happened on this evening?

We started with the tale of this cereal crop ...

... grew a long beard,
And so became a man.

Gerry - welcome back - gambled away his train ticket ...

... won't carry me home to the one I love.

We know that the titles of Mick's instrumental offerings can be enigmatic, so decipher this one ...

We were pleased to welcome Paul, (no, not that Paul,) and Jenny to our gathering. Here they are ...

Paul was awarded a badge for his musical performances.
Jenny was observed to be moving her lips, so she got one too!
Of course, we know that old dogs and children do actually exist. Paul assures us that this particular wine is also a reality ...

As the evening progressed other beverages were brought (metaphorically) to the table ...

... will do yer.
and ...

...and take a consolation in ...

Molly rushed in rather late.
"Have I time to do this?" she asked.
We insisted ...

Thanks, Molly.
RIP, Cilla.

By the way, most people managed to follow instructions and avoid the newly-erected scaffolding.
At the time of this publication, (Tuesday,) it's still there ...

Mind my bike!

Just look out next week.

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