Monday, October 13, 2008

Emerald Dew of the Morning - Bill1.2

Now who here remembers 5 Penny Piece I wonder...?


The City Folk Club said...

Is it my imagination, or does John, to Bill's right, (actually, if you're Bill, John would be on your left,) look thoroughly bored?

Wasn't the five-penny-piece the very worst consequence of decimalisation, anyway?

The City Folk Club said...

Further to last, what idiot at the Royal Mint conceived the 5p-piece? These so-called coins are nothing but elusive trouble, and I spend a considerable time counting those discarded in the contribution pot every Friday. At least 1 and 2p-pieces stick to my magnet. (That's strange - we still refer to those as 'copper'.) It is also bizarre that 5p-pieces are never donated in easily managed multiples of ten.

A suggestion here: keep them, save them, and lovingly attend to them as you watch them multiply as if by binary fission. Eventually donate one pounds-worth to Children in Need.