Lynda, Colin and Ken listen with rapt attention to a recording of Colin and Bill 1:1's unique rendition of 'Spanish Ladies'...
So, that was the last night at the Regnum...
We now enter the 'Week of Transition' with it's programme of ritual bathing, intoning of portentous incantations and sky-clad whirling ecstasies (watch out for link to YouTube upload)
This is how we said goodbye...
It Was a Lover and His Lass: David
Spanish Ladies: Colin/Bill 1:1
Lord Franklin: Ken
The Honeysuckle and the Bee: Mave
My Young Man: Jane
John Riley: Anthony
What Have They Done to the Rain?: Bill 1:2
Sea of Heartbreak: Berry
Where Do You Go To My Lovely?: Mike P.
Ladies Won't You Marry: Bill 1:1
Goodbye Jimmy, Goodbye: Jenny
The Rose of Allendale: Ray
Seven Days: Anne
The Water is Wide: Margaret
Swing Low Sweet Chariot: Maggie
Untitled Guitar Based Rhythmic Improvisation: Daniel
Haul Away For Rosie: Paul
Lullaby of Birdland: Lucy
Here Comes My Baby: David
1000's or More: Colin
Good Company: Ken
The Boy In the Gallery: Mave
Down In the Valley to Pray: Jane
Columbus Stockade Blues: Anthony
My Old Man: Bill 1:2
This Time: Berry
Mr. Tambourine Man: Mike P.
When I Fall in Love: Jenny
The Happy Wanderer: Ray
Isle of Hope. Isle of Tears: Anne
Another You: Margaret
Fever: Maggie
All I Have To Do Is Dream: Lucy/Paul
Goodnight: Bill 1:1
You may experience the following series of emotions (based on the Kübler-Ross model) following our departure from the Regnum:
01) Denial
02) Anger
03) Bargaining
04) Depression
On the other hand you may just be breathing a sigh of relief..