Red Nose Day - the Comic Relief headline day - falls once again on a Friday! The 18th of March, in fact - NEXT FRIDAY!! By a strange coincidence, the City Folk Club will be meeting at the Guide Hall that evening. The Red Nose Day fund-raising theme is "Do Something Funny for Money", but, seeing as most of what goes on in the club is already funny (either ha-ha or peculiar!), you needn't feel obliged to do anything especially funny (although you can if you want to!) - just come along with some spare cash. If you want to dress up, or sport Red Nose Day merchandise (visit Sainsbury's, Oxfam and other stores, or buy from http://shop.rednoseday.com/), well, you'll probably be thought very silly - but go ahead!
Now, we know how marvellous you were back in November, raising an amazing £500 for Children in Need, so we're not making a big thing of Red Nose Day. The City Folk Club is primarily about making music, not raising money for charity. However, we thought Red Nose Day couldn't be passed-over completely, so, we intend to:-
a) have an official Red Nose Day 'Pick a Pose' sweepstake - £2 a go, with half the proceeds to the winner (i.e. £30), and the rest to Comic Relief;
b) have Spot Prizes - but the categories won't be announced until the night! (but - if you were thinking 'red'/ 'most ridiculous trousers/ hat/ underwear'/ 'most trenchant observation on the rightful place of the ukelele in contemporary music' - I'm afraid that confidentiality agreements restrict me from confirming or denying - but you might not be wrong);
c) the usual £2 admission in the 'collection pot' will go to Comic Relief - plus, of course, any other contributions you care to make.
Comic Relief helps people in the UK and Africa. See the BBC site at www.bbc.co.uk/rednoseday Please, please also watch the two-part documentary "Famous, Rich and in the Slums", where Lenny Henry, Angela Rippon, and others are sent to live in Nairobi's Karibe slum - Africa's largest - home to 1 million people, without proper sanitation. Part One is viewable on http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00z6dnn , Part Two on http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00zfxm0 . Lenny Henry's harrowing account of his experience there is in the 5th-11th March edition of Radio Times. You will find it difficult to view/read these and not be moved. We don't know how lucky we are, really.
Looking forward to seeing you for the usual fun - and more - on the 18th for Red City Folk Nose Club Day
Ken Hobbs, Minister Without Portfolio*
* I think I Ieft it in the kitchen in the hall about two months ago - if anyone finds it , could they pass it on, please?
Ken Hobbs, Minister Without Portfolio*
* I think I Ieft it in the kitchen in the hall about two months ago - if anyone finds it , could they pass it on, please?
Oh Minister, what is it that you think you left in the kitchen about 2 months ago? If you are speaking of your marbles then let me tell you it was a lot longer ago than that, and many of them too.
We had such a nice large attendance last week for your announcements to frighten away. People just want to sing & play you know, not keep shelling out every other month because of yet another emotional bind.
Frankly all this charity raising is getting up my red nose a bit. When will charity begin at home? More specifically, when will it be my own testimonial? I'm not gonna live forever you know; so get on with it.
I would just like to say how obnoxious and self centred that Special Bitter contributer seems to be. I don't believe the club would miss a person like that should he decide to hide inside himself for ever more. I feel sorry for all those that have to associate with such a person and I certainly don't believe that London Apprentice is in good company. A nice young lad could be ruined by such a miserable mean & bitter person. Surely he has no wife. No-one would want to live with that mind-set would they?
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