Good Friday!
Moseley supplied Easter eggs ...
Margaret reminded us of the holy significance of the day ...
So did Nigel ...
Paul declared that he doesn't care where his body is buried ...
The Funeral of Phocion, Nicolas Poussin, 1648. |
Otherwise we got on with the usual secular stuff in the capable hands of Mike.
Ken broke a nail.
"Use a screw!" advised Tony.
Then Ken proceeded to sing about an archaic strategy for addressing domestic disharmony ...
Mave, however, was taken to dine at this expensive London establishment ...
"Please may I have the bread and dripping?" |
In company of Angela and Paul we visited a wondrous valley in the US of A ...
Stuart gave a musical tutorial about Samurai swordsmanship ...
It's not what we do ... It's the reason behind. |
Jo and Graham finished off by hoping to see us all in this place ...
Lips that once were mine ... |
Addendum ...
Yes, this was a most enjoyable evening, but there was one regrettable episode as we left.
I write in red because this in very important ...
A neighbour complained about the noise we make as we clear up and depart.
It was a courteous and entirely understandable complaint which I believe was resolved amicably.
OK: folding and stacking tables, shifting chairs etc. cannot be done in silence, but it is noticeable that the volume of conversation escalates significantly.
We must address this in future ...
Please speak quietly, if you must, as you leave.
Always shut the front door behind you.
Never leave it swinging in the wind.