Saturday, June 11, 2011

Being The 10th June, 2011 ...

This evening Paul, at very short notice, took over the role of MC.
He was rather good, but not as pretty as the previous substitute.

Here's the slightly blurred company in candle-light:

... err ... well, some of the company.
Others were still engaged in free association.

Now here's the song list:

If I had a Hammer: Paul
Valparaiso: Laura & Colin
The Turkish Lady: Roland
The Shepherd's Daughter: Angela
Travelling Light: Richard
Molly Malone: Mike & Yvonne
God Bless Texas: Les
A Heart Needs a Home: Mike
Shuffle Rag: Mick
The Big Ship: Mave
Gamekeepers Lie Sleeping: Ken
The Leaves of Life (Seven Virgins.): Roger
I am a Brisk Lad (The Sheepstealer): Lynda
Mole in a Hole: Paul
Reynardine: Colin
Magdalen McGillivray: Laura
Warlike Seamen: Roland
Carter's Blues: Angela
Drunken Sailor: Richard
Till the Stars Fall from the Sky: Mike & Yvonne
Halcyon Days: Mike & Yvonne
Six Days on the Road: Les
Circles: Mike
I Wonder if Anyone will Marry Me Now: Mave
Give to the Belly, Boys, Beer ... : Ken
I Need Your Love So Bad: Roger
Most of us are Sad: Lynda
Too Soon to Know: Paul
The Innocent Hare (Sportsmen Arouse): Colin

Then we said, "Thank you." to Paul.
Everybody helped to clear up.
Eventually we all went home, (very quietly,) luxuriating in warm feelings that we had been surrounded by wonderful people.

1 comment:

Parkingspaceman said...

WOT!!!?? No alliteration? "Paul provided a perfectly predictable procession of performers", for instance.